Manchester Council – Test of Opinion

Manchester Council – Test of Opinion

Manchester Council UK Engage Administers Consultation for Northwards Homes ; Client: The Council used Northwards (ALMO) to manage all its council housing and undertook an independent review to determine if it wanted to continue using an ALMO or bring the...


Esterline End-To-End Election Services For Esterline's Special Negotiating Body   Encouraging participation among UK employees, via a multi-channel, end-to-end election service ; Client: Esterline Corporation is a worldwide manufacturing organisation which...
End to End Verifiable election systems – Overview.

End to End Verifiable election systems – Overview.

Overview In the digital age, where virtually every aspect of our lives have become intertwined with technology, the call for modernising traditional systems has reached the realm of democracy. Voting, the cornerstone of any democratic society, has undergone a ...
Independent Scrutineer for Trade Union Ballots

Independent Scrutineer for Trade Union Ballots

What attributes are needed to be an independent scrutineer for trade union ballots?   Following its visit to the 150th TUC Congress, UK Engage looks at some of the attributes required in order to be an independent scrutineer for trade union ballots. Unions are...


National Association of Co-operative Organisations NACO APPOINTS UK ENGAGE TO RUN A TRANSFER OF ENGAGEMENTS BALLOT The national scrutineer printed, designed and mailed voting ballot packs so that members could vote in a trade union merger ballot. ; Client: NACO...
Institute of Workplace & Facilities Management

Institute of Workplace & Facilities Management

THE INSTITUTE OF WORKPLACE & FACILITIES MANAGEMENT IWFM OPTS FOR A HYBRID AGM Easing social distancing restrictions means in-person and digital AGM voting for the membership organisation. ; Client: The Institute of Workplace and Facilities Management (IWFM) is the...
Music Industry Association

Music Industry Association

Music Industries Association THE MIA ADAPTS ITS PROXY VOTING MEASURES IN LIGHT OF THE PANDEMIC SOCIAL DISTANCING RESTRICTIONS   The trade body meets its obligations to its members via virtual AGM proxy voting. ; Client: The Music Industries Association (MIA) is...
Magistrates Association

Magistrates Association

Magistrates Association UK ENGAGE PROVIDES SERVICES FOR MULTIPLE CONTESTS FOR THE ROYAL CHARTERED MAGISTRATES ASSOCIATION   Expert account management and a range of voting solutions results in newly elected Deputy Chairs and Trustees for the Magistrates Association....

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