Trade Union Elections and Ballots

Ballot services for trade unions

UK Engage is one of the few companies that have been approved by The Department for Business and Trade, to administer independent scrutineer services for statutory trade union elections and ballots.

Trade Union Elections and Ballots:

  • Industrial action ballots
  • Executive election ballots
  • Mergers and demerger ballots
  • Recognition and derecognition ballots
  • Board elections
  • Conferences

As one of the most experienced independent scrutineers in the country and a leading provider of statutory printed ballot papers, we provide a proven statutory print and mail services for trade union elections and ballots. We also provide ballot administration for non-statutory trade union ballots, and, where rules allow, have used our e-voting technology to conduct certain types of contests and have a dedicated live voting system for delegates to vote for motions at trade union conferences and other meetings

Trade Union Ballot Printing:

Our parent company Print Image Network, has a strong heritage of printing electoral stationery for local authorities. Therefore, we are more than qualified to carry out trade union printing. As a result, when coupled with our experience in providing scrutineer services, we are the fastest growing scrutineer for the trade union sector. In 2020, UK Engage carried out the ballot paper printing, postal vote packs and ballot paper scanning for the Guernsey General Election. Read the case study >>

A Digitally Future-Proof Independent Scrutineer:

Although the use of electronic voting isn’t currently allowed by law for statutory trade union elections and ballots, we have our own electronic voting system, which can be utilised to run trade union ballots as and when the law changes (or for non-statutory contests). We have a leading, secure e-voting platform and welcomed the recommendation for e-voting testing set out in Sir Ken Knight’s Electronic balloting for industrial action: Knight Review, in 2017.

Conference Voting:

UK Engage has an all-in-one live online voting system for trade unions to use at conferences and meetings. The new online voting system allows delegates to vote remotely, at live virtual meetings, on matters relating to union policies.  Available as a self or managed service, conference voting offers a voting and conference presentation system which is perfect for ‘For’, ‘Against’ and ‘Abstain’ voting questions.  New for 2021, we are rolling the conference voting system out to many trade unions and a national Congress for 2021 meetings.  Visit our conference voting page to find out more.

Partnership with the GFTU:

UK Engage is partners with the General Federation of Trade Unions, which is a friendly democratic organisation responsive to the needs of affiliated trade unions. As part of the partnership, we offer a discounted ballot rate to GFTU affiliates.  To find out more about our services for trade union elections and ballots, please feel free to contact the union team.

Trade Union Elections & Ballots
Industrial action ballots
Executive election ballots
Board elections
Recognition and derecognition ballots

Live Conference Voting 

Mergers and demerger ballots

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