Election Support Services For Credit Unions 

At UK Engage, we understand the importance of transparent, secure, and accessible AGM and voting processes for credit unions. Our voting services are designed to empower credit unions and their members to participate in elections with confidence and ease and accommodate for any hybrid AGM requirement


Why Choose UK Engage for Your Credit Union Voting Needs?

  1. Transparency: We prioritise transparency in every aspect of the voting process. From candidate nominations, ballot counting, live meeting voting and result declaration, we ensure that every step is conducted openly and ethically, fostering trust and confidence among credit union members.
  2. Security: Protecting the integrity of your credit union’s elections and live meeting voting processes is our top priority. Our voting platform employs the latest encryption technology and security protocols to safeguard member data and prevent any unauthorised access or tampering.
  3. Accessibility: We believe that every member should have the opportunity to participate in credit union elections and at the AGM, regardless of their location or circumstances. Our voting services offer multiple ballot methods, including e-voting and postal ballots, to ensure that all members can exercise their right to vote conveniently.
  4. Expertise: With years of experience in providing voting solutions for credit unions, our team has the expertise and knowledge to handle every aspect of the electoral and AGM governance process efficiently and effectively. From initial planning to final results, we are committed to delivering exceptional service and support.

Our Support Services for Credit Union Elections

At UK Engage we offer a range of comprehensive support services to ensure that your credit union elections and AGM are conducted smoothly, transparently, and with maximum member participation.

  • ​​Postal Election Services: For credit unions seeking a traditional approach to elections or AGM proxy voting, we provide reliable and secure postal/proxy voting services. Our streamlined process ensures that members receive their ballots promptly and can cast their votes conveniently by mail.
  • Vote In Person: In addition to postal voting, we offer in-person voting options for credit unions that prefer face-to-face engagement with their members. Our trained staff can set up and manage the AGM registration and voting processes or for election only processes setup and manage polling stations at convenient locations, ensuring a seamless voting experience for all members.
  • Member Engagement: Engaging members is essential to a successful election and AGM. Our team specialise in member outreach and engagement strategies, including personalised communications, educational materials, and interactive events to encourage voter participation and promote awareness of key issues.
  • Advanced Accessibility: We believe that every member should have the opportunity to participate in credit union AGM processes or elections. That’s why we offer advanced accessibility features, including online voting and meeting platforms with compatibility for assistive technologies, multilingual support, and flexible ballot formats to accommodate diverse member needs.

Ready to Transform Your Credit Union's Election and/or AGM Process?

Join the growing number of organisations who have chosen UK Engage for their election and AGM needs and experience the difference firsthand. From expert support to cutting-edge technology, we’re here to help you succeed.

Let us be your partner in driving positive change and promoting democratic participation within your credit union community.

Get in touch with our team to learn more about our support services and how we can tailor a solution to meet your specific needs.


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