Voting & Election Services

Voting & Election Services


Whether it is member engagement, achieving more candidates for nomination, or achieving increased voter turnout via postal ballots or online voting, UK Engage is a trusted election services provider that will strive to make your election a success, each and every time. Nominate, vote and engage with your voting electorate.

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Online Election Services

Working alongside traditional postal ballots, online voting helps enhance the member voting experience by offering voters a choice of how to cast their vote. Hosted in the UK, our modern and innovative online voting solution has the security, functionality and aesthetics organisations need in order to run online elections, ballots, surveys, polls and referenda.

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Postal Election Services

Traditional printed items such as member communications, nomination forms and postal ballots are designed by our in house team, securely printed, and mailed using the best postage rate. Our colour postal ballots have been designed and tested to encourage responses and improve voter turnout.

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Vote In Person

We provide a number of services for clients that want to allow members to vote in person. For our market sectors this could mean voting in person at an AGM or other type of meeting or conference; at a university during a students’ union election or in store at a retail cooperative store.

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Member Engagement

The success of your election or ballot depends on how engaged your members or voters are in the process. We can do a complete member engagement plan for clients or co-ordinate your member messages with your communications team. Our multi-channel engagement services help to raise awareness of your process with your member. We have generated some great success stories for all types of organisations.

Election Security
Election Security
Security, accuracy and impartiality are at the centre of any election service. Trusting the administration of your election to experienced scrutineers that know about election security, provides your members with the confidence that the election is fair and transparent.
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Comprehensive Election Support

Postal Election Services

Making voting accessible for everyone, UK Engage provides robust and reliable postal election services. Our services provide complete confidence, from ballot design and printing to return envelope provision and secure counting. In an era of increasing digitalisation, we still value the traditional vote-by-post method and ensure it runs seamlessly for our clients and their members. Achieve greater engagement and increased voter turnout with our trusted postal voting services.

Discover our postal election services

Vote In Person

Even in our digital age, the importance of in-person voting cannot be understated. UK Engage offers comprehensive support for in-person voting, providing secure, well-organised and efficient voting systems. From ballot design and printing to venue setup and vote counting, our dedicated team ensures the voting process is smooth and the results are accurate, all while prioritising transparency and fairness.

Discover our in-person voting solutions

Member Engagement

Building and maintaining strong member engagement is key to successful elections. At UK Engage, we help organisations foster greater involvement from their members, encouraging active participation in elections, ballots, surveys, polls and referenda. Through clear communication, user-friendly voting systems, and continual support, we assist in creating an engaging and inclusive voting environment where every voice is heard and valued.

Discover our Member Engagement solutions

Advanced Accessibility

Our suite of services prioritises accessibility for all voters, ensuring everyone’s voice can be heard. From multi-channel voting options to providing materials in accessible formats, we’re committed to eliminating barriers and creating a more inclusive voting process. Through UK Engage’s advanced accessibility features, we ensure equal opportunity for participation in elections, enhancing the democratic experience for all members.

Transparency and Accountability

The success of any election lies in its integrity. At UK Engage, we ensure transparency and accountability are at the forefront of our election services. We provide clear and timely communication, transparent voting processes, and impartial vote counting. Our services instil confidence in the election outcomes, ensuring your member’s trust in the fairness and accuracy of the process.

Get Started Today With UK Engage

Do you have an election, ballot, poll, referendum, AGM or another process you need help with?
For an independent assessment of your organisation’s electoral needs and impartial advice and guidance about the electoral system that best fits your requirements speak to us today!

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