Our dedicated commitment extends to providing comprehensive solutions that precisely address the distinctive requirements of healthcare organisations. We prioritise inclusivity and accessibility in our election services. Utilising diverse communication channels, we inform and engage members about Council of Governor Elections, fostering active participation.
Our nomination and ballot services are designed for a seamless and user-friendly experience, allowing members to stand for nomination through online and postal options, including accessibility features like Braille and language variants.
Advancing Member Engagement in NHS Elections
Streamlining Nominations
Simplified Voting Experience
Why NHS Organisations Choose UK Engage Election Services
- Unparalleled Expertise:
Benefit from our proven track record as a leading election services provider, ensuring a seamless and efficient election process.
- Tailored Solutions for NHS Trusts:
Recognising the uniqueness of each NHS Foundation Trust, we avoid a one-size-fits-all approach. Collaborate closely with UK Engage to customise election services, aligning with the specific needs and nuances of your Trust.
- Commitment to Diversity and Inclusion:
Collaborate with UK Engage to enhance equality, diversity, and inclusion messaging in all election materials. We aim to create an environment where every member group feels heard and represented in Council of Governor Elections.
- Seamless Internal Democracy:
Extend our services to internal governance post-election. Choose between our professionally managed service, overseeing all proceedings, or our self-managed online voting site for in-house control over internal elections.
- Transparent and Secure Processes:
Transparency and security are paramount. UK Engage ensures that every step of the election process is transparent, and our secure systems provide peace of mind, maintaining the integrity of the democratic process.

UK Engage is G-Cloud 13 accredited
UK Engage Services for NHS Trusts are covered under the G-Cloud 13 framework setup by Crown Commercial Services.
To find our services in the government digital marketplace please use the following instructions:
1. Go the G-Cloud market place here: https://www.applytosupply.digitalmarketplace.service.gov.uk/g-cloud/choose-lot
2. Choose
‘Lot 2: cloud software’ and click ‘Search for services’
3. Select the Category ‘Healthcare’ then the sub Category ‘Healthcare management’
4. Finally type ‘elections’ into the keyword search box and click to show our UK Engage Secure service options