5 Tips to Promote Your Election and Increase Voter Turnout

5 Tips to Promote Your Election and Increase Voter Turnout

UK Engage has a wealth of experience in the field of electoral management and has participated in and supported hundreds of elections for public sector organisations, including NHS Foundation Trusts, social housing authorities and universities. Our experience in...
Transparency in co-operative elections

Transparency in co-operative elections

The transparency of an election is crucial to its credibility, especially when it comes to co-operatives. By their very nature a co-operative is close to its members’ hearts, as they work together towards a common goal.  Confidence in the process and organiser is...
What Is the Difference Between an Election and A Referendum?

What Is the Difference Between an Election and A Referendum?

Election and Referendum, how many times do you hear these words but do you know the difference? These are two terms that are often taken in the same sense. However, there is a difference between the two. What are Elections? This is a formal decision making process by...
5 Common Election Pitfalls.

5 Common Election Pitfalls.

Running an election can be a complex process, there are potential election pitfalls that may determine the success or failure of voter turnout in any non-statutory democratic process, be it in the NHS, housing sector, educational establishments or professional...

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