UK Engage gains CSE Compliance Plus

We are pleased to announce that having retained our Customer Service Excellence standard in June 2015, following a rigorous three-year re-assessment process, we have been granted an additional award for further improvements to our customer service. During a recent...

White Papers

White Papers Please feel free to download our thoughts on various topics relating to elections, ballots and polls, and engaging with members as part of democratic processes. ; Mx (Member Experience) and the election process How engagement, content and...
East of England Co-operative

East of England Co-operative

East of England Co-operative East Of England Co-Operative And UK Engage Improve Voter Turnout And Member Engagement   Multi-channel options are explored in order to improve voter turnout ; Client: The East of England Co-operative is an independent co-op...
Voting services from UK Engage get the seal of approval in 2017 survey

Voting services from UK Engage get the seal of approval in 2017 survey

Election services provider, UK Engage, has released the results of its 2017 customer satisfaction survey. Having improved consistently over the last few years, the independent scrutineer scored an outstanding 99% satisfaction rating for the way it administers ballots and elections, and for its improved range of online voting services.

In Person AGM Voting

In Person AGM Voting

In Person AGM Voting   As part of our in person AGM voting services, we provide onsite voting support for Annual General Meetings (AGMs) and other General Meetings at the physical location of the meeting.   ; In Person AGM Voting Services   ​Our range of in...

NHS Testimonials

What our customers say We have hundreds of satisfied customers across a number of market sectors. Here’s what some of our NHS Foundation Trust customers say about our service. Testimonials “As a first-time user, I was very impressed with UK Engage. The account...

How technology can drive increased participation

E-democracy, digital democracy, e-voting, online voting or internet voting; there are numerous names for paperless democratic activity. Election services provider UK Engage, one of the leading election services providers in the country, looks at how taking elections...
Trade Union Indicative or Consultation Ballot

Trade Union Indicative or Consultation Ballot

Prior to any industrial action or other significant trade union ballot, such as a strike ballot, an indicative or consultation ballot may be undertaken to gauge member interest on the topic concerned. Indicative or consultative ballots are undertaken as a formal ballot is costly, due to being covered by legislation which forces a trade union to use a postal paper ballot or workplace ballot.

Secure e-voting: How secure is the platform you use?

Secure e-voting: How secure is the platform you use?

As security is an inherent part of any election process, it is imperative that the election services provider you choose can run elections with transparency and impartiality, incorporating the most secure procedures, systems and software possible.

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