How Handheld Voting Can Improve Participation at your AGM

How Handheld Voting Can Improve Participation at your AGM

Depending on the size of your organisation you will probably take a different approach to AGM voting. Voting on resolutions and/or candidates for board or council positions, can be carried out in a number of ways before and at the AGM, and in person or by proxy. Votes...
British Association for Shooting & Conservation (BASC)

British Association for Shooting & Conservation (BASC)

British Association for Shooting & Conservation (BASC) BASC CONDUCTS ITS AGM 100% VIRTUALLY WITH 'CONFERENCE VOTING' SOLUTION   Members vote on motions virtually using UK Engage’s live conference voting solution.   ; Client: British Association for Shooting &...

eBook – Thanks

End-to-End Verifiable Election Systems / Increasing Member Engagement for AGM eBooks Thank you for requesting a copy of UK Engage’s eBooks “End-to-End Verifiable Election Systems/Increasing Member Engagement for AGM”. Click here to download your personal copy of...
Channel Islands Co-operative Society Ltd

Channel Islands Co-operative Society Ltd

Channel Islands Co-operative Society Ltd UK Engage Provides In Store Voting For Co-Operative Members Of Jersey & Guernsey In store voting proves a hit with Channel Island Co-operative Society Members ; Client: The Channel Island Co-operative Society is a retail...
UK Engage hosted another successful MacMillan Coffee Morning

UK Engage hosted another successful MacMillan Coffee Morning

Print Image Network/UK Engage hosted another successful Macmillan Coffee Morning Wednesday 28th September 2022. The first one that we have held since 2019, which was pre-pandemic. And we’ve certainly made up for it! There was lots of choice, ranging from sweet bakes...

Case Studies

Case Studies Our business is about helping organisations to implement democracy.  Each year we help organisations across multiple market sectors to improve democracy and ultimately governance, via our range of engagement and voting services. From increased...
Remote Online Voting for AGMs

Remote Online Voting for AGMs

If you have had to re-think the way you will administer your AGM or EGM in light of the Coronavirus, you have probably considered taking the meeting ‘online’ via conference software, but what about voting for resolutions and candidates?  Leading independent scrutineer...

Election Consultancy Services

Election Consultancy Services   UK Engage has an experienced and knowledgeable team to deliver election consultancy services for electoral administration. From legislation and governance reviews to voting methods and engagement techniques, we have helped...
Statement about the Queen from John Foster

Statement about the Queen from John Foster

The passing of Her Majesty The Queen has left everybody at UK Engage deeply saddened and we offer our warm wishes and greatest sympathies to King Charles III and the Royal Family. We would also like to extend our support to all of our customers, colleagues and our...

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