Chelsea Pitch Owners PLC UK Engage provides AGM Voting Services for Chelsea Pitch Owners The national independent scrutineer oversees voting before and at the AGM. ; Client: Chelsea Pitch Owners is a company with over 21,000 shares owned by the fans and...
The Chartered College of Teaching THE CHARTERED COLLEGE OF TEACHING CHOOSES PAPERLESS FOR ITS INAUGURAL ELECTION PROCESS The Royal Chartered College opted for a modern, paperless democratic process, which would engage its membership. ; Client: The Chartered...
National Association of Co-operative Organisations NACO APPOINTS UK ENGAGE TO RUN A TRANSFER OF ENGAGEMENTS BALLOT The national scrutineer printed, designed and mailed voting ballot packs so that members could vote in a trade union merger ballot. ; Client: NACO...
UK Water Industry Research Hand-Held Voting Devices for UKWIR's Advisory Group Meeting Voting services were supplied to canvass membership opinion on projects for the upcoming annual research programme. ; Client: UKWIR was set up by the UK water industry in 1993...
The Chartered Institute of Public Relations CHARTERED INSTITUTE CHOOSES TECHNOLOGY TO HELP IMPLEMENT ITS NEW GOVERNANCE STRUCTURE & INCREASE VOTER TURNOUT E-voting and SMS reminders help to increase voter turnout by 90% on the previous year’s election ;...