by UK Engage | Feb 15, 2019
Chelsea Pitch Owners PLC UK Engage provides AGM Voting Services for Chelsea Pitch Owners The national independent scrutineer oversees voting before and at the AGM. ; Client: Chelsea Pitch Owners is a company with over 21,000 shares owned by the fans and...
by UK Engage | Oct 18, 2018
The Chartered College of Teaching THE CHARTERED COLLEGE OF TEACHING CHOOSES PAPERLESS FOR ITS INAUGURAL ELECTION PROCESS The Royal Chartered College opted for a modern, paperless democratic process, which would engage its membership. ; Client: The Chartered...
by UK Engage | Mar 13, 2018
National Association of Co-operative Organisations NACO APPOINTS UK ENGAGE TO RUN A TRANSFER OF ENGAGEMENTS BALLOT The national scrutineer printed, designed and mailed voting ballot packs so that members could vote in a trade union merger ballot. ; Client: NACO...
by UK Engage | Feb 13, 2018
UK Water Industry Research Hand-Held Voting Devices for UKWIR's Advisory Group Meeting Voting services were supplied to canvass membership opinion on projects for the upcoming annual research programme. ; Client: UKWIR was set up by the UK water industry in 1993...
by UK Engage | Oct 20, 2017
The Chartered Institute of Public Relations CHARTERED INSTITUTE CHOOSES TECHNOLOGY TO HELP IMPLEMENT ITS NEW GOVERNANCE STRUCTURE & INCREASE VOTER TURNOUT E-voting and SMS reminders help to increase voter turnout by 90% on the previous year’s election ;...