Transport for London

Transport for London

Transport for London Simplifying The Ballot Paper And Pack For Transport For London   Rationalised ballot paper pack production and election management. Reducing costs and improving efficiency. ; Client: Transport for London is responsible for the day-to-day...
Chartered Institute of Environmental Health

Chartered Institute of Environmental Health

Chartered Institute of Environmental Health UK ENGAGE DEVELOPS A MULTI-CHANNEL ELECTION & Member ENGAGEMENT FOR REGISTERED CHARITY & PROFESSIONAL BODY   Adopting online and traditional channels to encourage member engagement in a new governance and voting...
Oxford University Hospitals

Oxford University Hospitals

Oxford University Hospitals A Record-Breaking Contested Election For Oxford University Hospitals NHS Foundation   Contested election saw nominations increased by 117% on the previous year ; Client: Oxford University Hospitals is one of the largest NHS...


Esterline End-To-End Election Services For Esterline's Special Negotiating Body   Encouraging participation among UK employees, via a multi-channel, end-to-end election service ; Client: Esterline Corporation is a worldwide manufacturing organisation which...

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