North East Ambulance Service NHS Foundation Trust

North East Ambulance Service NHS Foundation Trust

North East Ambulance Service NHS Foundation Trust STAFF AND PUBLIC MEMBERS STAND IN COUNCIL OF GOVERNOR ELECTIONS ; Client: The North East Ambulance Service NHS Foundation Trust (NEAS) provides an Unscheduled Care Service to respond to emergency calls, plus a...
States of Guernsey – General Election 2020

States of Guernsey – General Election 2020

States of Guernsey - General Election 2020 UK ENGAGE PROVIDES BALLOT PAPER SCANNING EQUIPMENT & ELECTORAL PRINT & MAIL FOR GUERNSEY'S GENERAL ELECTION Island selects UK Engage to provide ballot paper scanning technology and printing expertise for the historic...
British Red Cross

British Red Cross

British Red Cross THE BRITISH RED CROSS ACHIEVES HIGH VOTER TURNOUT IN STAFF ASSOCIATION ELECTIONS.   Charity Voting Initiative: Contested elections highlight successful staff engagement for the well-known British charity, in its first charity voting process using an...
Magistrates Association

Magistrates Association

Magistrates Association UK ENGAGE PROVIDES SERVICES FOR MULTIPLE CONTESTS FOR THE ROYAL CHARTERED MAGISTRATES ASSOCIATION   Expert account management and a range of voting solutions results in newly elected Deputy Chairs and Trustees for the Magistrates Association....
The Chartered Institute of Public Relations

The Chartered Institute of Public Relations

The Chartered Institute of Public Relations CHARTERED INSTITUTE CHOOSES TECHNOLOGY TO HELP IMPLEMENT ITS NEW GOVERNANCE STRUCTURE & INCREASE VOTER TURNOUT   E-voting and SMS reminders help to increase voter turnout by 90% on the previous year’s election ;...

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