Postal Election Services

Postal Election Services ; Nomination Forms UK Engage is highly experienced in administering the nomination of candidates for election. As part of our postal election service, we process printed and online nominations forms for clients that have members who can...

NHS Foundation Trusts

Election services for NHS Foundation Trusts ​UK Engage provide comprehensive election services tailored exclusively for NHS Foundation Trusts. Our expertise encompasses a spectrum of election solutions, spanning traditional postal materials to cutting-edge online...
Ballots and Elections Supplier Onboarding Process

Ballots and Elections Supplier Onboarding Process

Background When moving to a new election services supplier it is important to ensure there is a documented and communicated new client on-boarding process, either as part of an ISO, or Customer Service standard. Appointing a new supplier is sometimes met with a little...
The importance of hybrid AGM registration

The importance of hybrid AGM registration

Background As Covid-19 lockdown measures ease, it is likely there will be a preference for companies to run general meetings as hybrid meetings, which are meetings that are part in person and part remote. From a participation viewpoint, hybrid meetings offer companies...
The Importance Of Hybrid AGM Registration

The Importance Of Hybrid AGM Registration

Background As Covid-19 lockdown measures ease, there will likely be a preference for companies to run general meetings as hybrid meetings, which are meetings that are part in-person and part remote. From a participation viewpoint, hybrid meetings offer companies...
Trade Union Assurers

Trade Union Assurers

Background The legislation for Trade Unions requires an ‘Assurer’ to provide a signed membership audit certificate (MAC) of the membership for each reporting period (typically each year) if the union has over 10,000 members. The appointment or discontinuance of an...
Online ballots: How do they work?

Online ballots: How do they work?

Online ballots are a great way to save money on paper and postage costs associated with traditional paper voting.  These days the cost benefit alone is attractive to organisations, but add to that the ease, security and real-time statistic benefits, and it’s easy to...
Warrington Borough Council

Warrington Borough Council

Warrington Borough Council BID2 BALLOT - Empowering Town Centre Transformation with UK Engage ; Client: Warrington Borough Council is the local authority for the Borough of Warrington. Warrington BID, is a partnership between the businesses in Warrington Town...

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