Trade Union Ballots – Industrial Action

Trade Union Ballots – Industrial Action

Background Trade Unions can ballot members to determine if they would be willing to undertake industrial action. The process is governed by legislation under the Trade Union and Labour Relations (Consolidation) Act 1992. There are some differences in how the ballot...
Guernsey General Election of People’s Deputies

Guernsey General Election of People’s Deputies

On Wednesday 7 October, Guernsey held its first island-wide General Election of People’s Deputies which was administered by UK Engage.  We were selected as the chosen provider to print ballot papers, postal votes and provide vote scanning technology for the...

Improving tenant engagement for effective Board members

Social housing providers across the country place a high value on tenant contribution, this is because residents of social housing bring a unique perspective to housing association boards and representative structures. What’s more, as direct users of the service,...
Trade Union Elections and Ballots

Trade Union Elections and Ballots

Trade Union Elections and Ballots Ballot services for trade unions UK Engage is one of the few companies that have been approved by The Department for Business and Trade, to administer independent scrutineer services for statutory trade union elections and ballots....

Presenting Candidates for Board Elections.

In any election, whether its statutory or non-statutory, candidates who put themselves forward for a position of responsibility must connect with the voters and be representative of their needs.  UK Engage works with candidates from numerous sectors and has...

Conference Voting for Trade Unions

Trade Union Conference Voting Our unique Conference Voting solution allows trade unions to conduct online an online conference with secure live voting in a transparent and impartial manner.  Our new and flexible Conference Voting platform is browser-based, easy to...
Zoom Vs. Teams For Your Hybrid AGM

Zoom Vs. Teams For Your Hybrid AGM

Background Zoom and Microsoft Teams are the 2 main systems that come to mind if you are planning either a hybrid AGM or virtual AGM. Many organisations already use MS Teams internally, but is it more appropriate than its main alternative, Zoom?  In this document, we...

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