Membership Organisations

Membership Organisations

Membership Organisation Elections Election services for membership organisations At UK Engage, we take pride in being an impartial and dependable scrutineer for a diverse array of membership organisation elections. Our expertise extends to professional bodies,...

Engagement and Council of Governor Elections

Recent news issued by NHS Providers reports that, following a survey of 300,000 NHS frontline staff, there is evidence which demonstrates clear links between levels of staff engagement and improvements for trusts1. Outcomes included patient satisfaction, patient...
The Chartered Institute of Public Relations

The Chartered Institute of Public Relations

The Chartered Institute of Public Relations CHARTERED INSTITUTE CHOOSES TECHNOLOGY TO HELP IMPLEMENT ITS NEW GOVERNANCE STRUCTURE & INCREASE VOTER TURNOUT   E-voting and SMS reminders help to increase voter turnout by 90% on the previous year’s election ;...

Paper Wrap Mailing Packs

Paper Wrap Magazine Mailing Packs Introducing our robust, non-plastic, eco-friendly paper magazine wrap. Cheaper postage than polywrap or starch-based wraps, in addition to improved member engagement with personalised insertion capabilities and outer design...

NHS Jargon-Busting: What Do Those Acronyms Actually Mean?

Do you know what the difference is between a CoG and a CCG, or understand the distinction between an AGM and an AMM?  Within the NHS acronyms are widely used for the services it provides and the functions it fulfils. For anyone new to the service the plethora of...
When to use Independent Scrutineer Services

When to use Independent Scrutineer Services

The role of an Independent Scrutineer The role of an Independent Scrutineer is to oversee democratic processes such as elections or ballots. An Independent Scrutineer is an external company appointed by an organisation, party or union to maintain the integrity of an...

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