by UK Engage | Oct 20, 2017
The Chartered Institute of Public Relations CHARTERED INSTITUTE CHOOSES TECHNOLOGY TO HELP IMPLEMENT ITS NEW GOVERNANCE STRUCTURE & INCREASE VOTER TURNOUT E-voting and SMS reminders help to increase voter turnout by 90% on the previous year’s election ;...
by UK Engage | Oct 20, 2017
A Leading UK Energy Provider UK Engage Is Appointed To Oversee A Leading UK Energy Provider's Electricity Supply Pension Scheme Election Returning Officer services were provided to support the pre-election awareness and voting stages of the client’s pension...
by UK Engage | Oct 20, 2017
British Sociological Association UK Engage Increases Its Election Activity For The British Sociological Association Enhancing election participation with a range of multi-channel election services for three association elections ; Client: The British...
by UK Engage | Oct 20, 2017
Transport for London Simplifying The Ballot Paper And Pack For Transport For London Rationalised ballot paper pack production and election management. Reducing costs and improving efficiency. ; Client: Transport for London is responsible for the day-to-day...
by UK Engage | Oct 20, 2017
Stockport Metropolitan Borough Council BID Ballot UK Engage provides ballot services for neighbouring council ; Client: Stockport Metropolitan Borough Council is the local authority for the Metropolitan Borough of Stockport, Greater Manchester. Democratic...