by UK Engage | Oct 18, 2024
European Independent Purchasing Company Limited IPC EMEA SELECT UK ENGAGE TO HANDLE EGM PROXY & REAL-TIME VOTING A tailored online proxy voting solution, and bespoke real-time meeting and voting platform (with integrated broadcast) were provided. ; The Company:...
by UK Engage | Aug 18, 2022
Nationwide Pension Fund UK Engage Administers Member Nominated Trustee Director Election for Nationwide Pension Fund The national independent scrutineer oversees voting before and at the AGM. ; Client: Nationwide Pension Fund (the Fund) is a Defined...
by UK Engage | Jul 12, 2021
British Association for Shooting & Conservation (BASC) BASC CONDUCTS ITS AGM 100% VIRTUALLY WITH 'CONFERENCE VOTING' SOLUTION Members vote on motions virtually using UK Engage’s live conference voting solution. ; Client: British Association for Shooting &...
by UK Engage | Jan 31, 2020
British Red Cross THE BRITISH RED CROSS ACHIEVES HIGH VOTER TURNOUT IN STAFF ASSOCIATION ELECTIONS. Charity Voting Initiative: Contested elections highlight successful staff engagement for the well-known British charity, in its first charity voting process using an...
by UK Engage | Feb 13, 2018
UK Water Industry Research Hand-Held Voting Devices for UKWIR's Advisory Group Meeting Voting services were supplied to canvass membership opinion on projects for the upcoming annual research programme. ; Client: UKWIR was set up by the UK water industry in 1993...