Why candidate video statements can help engage voters.

Why candidate video statements can help engage voters.

When standing for an elected position you will normally be asked to provide a candidate statement, which outlines your skills, experience, and personality, so that voting members can decide if you are the correct person for the position. Typically, organisations that...
Virtual General Meetings – Legislation not Extended

Virtual General Meetings – Legislation not Extended

In June 2020, the UK Government introduced legislation that included a temporary update in relation to voting at virtual general meetings, AGMs, EGMs and other general meetings. The Corporate Insolvency and Governance Act 2020 included legislation that gave...
All-in-One Conference Voting for Online Meetings

All-in-One Conference Voting for Online Meetings

The coronavirus pandemic has led organisations across the globe to administer online meetings where face-to-face meetings were formally the norm.  In some cases, where stakeholders (be it members, shareholders, employees, or tenants), have decision-making rights, the...

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