Election services provider UK Engage works with different organisations to administer elections, candidate training and AGMs.  From NHS foundation trusts and social housing providers to students’ unions, charities and professional bodies, we are at the forefront of democratic administration.

Our position in the industry has allowed us to observe certain trends, including how organisations differ in their approach to member participation during election processes.


UK Engage has witnessed a demand for e-voting across all sectors but in many instances this in conjunction with traditional paper-based ballots. This ‘multi-channel’ approach is often adopted to support an organisation’s Equal Opportunities policy, which in most instances requires all members to be able to participate in a Board or Council election.

To support this further, organisations can also offer members the chance to become candidates for nomination via different channels. For example, many organisations choose to run an ‘online’ nomination process via a website, alongside a traditional mailing of a printed nomination form.


Once the channels have been determined consideration should be given to the format of election materials, such as nomination forms, ballot packs or marketing communications. Information should also be readily available in formats that are accessible for all members, such as Braille, large print, audio or other languages.


Paying attention to the diversity of your membership can help to improve participation in your Board or Council election; often spending the time to consider the correct channels and formats to use can make a difference to your election success.

To find out more about how UK Engage is helping membership organisations with equal opportunities and election engagement, contact our team today!


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