by UK Engage | Nov 10, 2023
Running an election can be a complex process, there are potential election pitfalls that may determine the success or failure of voter turnout in any non-statutory democratic process, be it in the NHS, housing sector, educational establishments or professional...
by UK Engage | Oct 13, 2023
The greatest challenge in any election lies in securing the largest possible turnout. This can be difficult to achieve, but delivering tailored and comprehensive election services is what UK-Engage does best. We recently faced such a challenge at the University... by UK Engage | Jul 11, 2023
As part of the award-winning Print Image Network, UK Engage offers more than 25 years of combined experience in the field of electoral services and organising and administering AGMs, EGMs and Company referenda. As a testament to our expertise, we participate in and... by UK Engage | Jun 6, 2023
If your organisation wants to run a successful election, then it is vital to make every effort to engage with the electorate to encourage the largest possible number of members to vote. Naturally, each organisation will need to carefully plan and co-ordinate its...
by UK Engage | Feb 14, 2017
The transparency of a pension scheme election is crucial to its credibility. Confidence in the process is fundamental to its success, especially as MNT pension scheme elections and governance remain a leading topic within the industry. For this reason pension schemes... by UK Engage | Mar 16, 2016
Recent news issued by NHS Providers reports that, following a survey of 300,000 NHS frontline staff, there is evidence which demonstrates clear links between levels of staff engagement and improvements for trusts1. Outcomes included patient satisfaction, patient...