Typical Stages Of BID Ballots

Typical Stages Of BID Ballots

Business Improvement Districts (BIDs) are a mechanism of improving a trading environment and enhancing its profitability by bringing local businesses and other stakeholders together. The decision to have a Business Improvement District will is determined via a...
6 Practical Suggestions for Improved Elections.

6 Practical Suggestions for Improved Elections.

Does your association want to improve turnout at its next election? Do you want to increase the levels of voter engagement and participation in the electoral process? Then you need to speak to electoral services specialists like UK Engage. As part of the award-winning...
Guernsey General Election of People’s Deputies

Guernsey General Election of People’s Deputies

On Wednesday 7 October, Guernsey held its first island-wide General Election of People’s Deputies which was administered by UK Engage.  We were selected as the chosen provider to print ballot papers, postal votes and provide vote scanning technology for the...

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