Ballot Blog

Guernsey General Election of People’s Deputies

Guernsey General Election of People’s Deputies

On Wednesday 7 October, Guernsey held its first island-wide General Election of People's Deputies which was administered by UK Engage.  We were selected as the chosen provider to print ballot papers, postal votes and provide vote scanning technology for the historic...

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New Governance Legislation Passed Regarding AGM Voting

New Governance Legislation Passed Regarding AGM Voting

Background On 26 June 2020, the UK Government introduced legislation, the Corporate Insolvency and Governance Act 2020, which includes an update concerning voting at AGMs, EGMs and other meetings. This part of the legislation gives organisations the temporary right to...

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Celebrating 20 Years of Voting Services

Celebrating 20 Years of Voting Services

UK Engage’s parent company Print Image Network is celebrating 20 years of voting services, printing excellence and being a leader in award-winning electoral stationery and the administration of democratic processes. Print Image Network was started in June 2000 by...

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Remote Online Voting for AGMs

Remote Online Voting for AGMs

If you have had to re-think the way you will administer your AGM or EGM in light of the Coronavirus, you have probably considered taking the meeting ‘online’ via conference software, but what about voting for resolutions and candidates?  Leading independent scrutineer...

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Online ballots: How do they work?

Online ballots: How do they work?

Online ballots are a great way to save money on paper and postage costs associated with traditional paper voting.  These days the cost benefit alone is attractive to organisations, but add to that the ease, security and real-time statistic benefits, and it’s easy to...

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