Ballot Blog

UK Engage is a Cyber Essentials certified supplier
As a leading election services provider, UK Engage has to protect its company assets, IP and customer data, against common cyber threats.

How important is your brand identity to the outcome of your election?
Like any brand, membership organisations have to work hard in order for members to feel affiliation and loyalty. A brand identity means that consumers can more easily relate to the brand, forming an emotional attachment. By joining a membership organisation...

How Handheld Voting Can Improve Participation at your AGM
Depending on the size of your organisation you will probably take a different approach to AGM voting. Voting on resolutions and/or candidates for board or council positions, can be carried out in a number of ways before and at the AGM, and in person or by proxy. Votes...

Member participation in MNT pension scheme elections
The transparency of a pension scheme election is crucial to its credibility. Confidence in the process is fundamental to its success, especially as MNT pension scheme elections and governance remain a leading topic within the industry. For this reason pension schemes...
UK Engage announces a ‘yes’ vote
UK Engage, one of the leading election service providers in the country, has declared a ‘yes’ result in favour of a Business Improvement District (BID) for Stockport town centre, following its administration of the postal ballot. Local business ratepayers, from within...
ISO 27001:2013 & ISO 9001 Annual Audit Pass
As part of our ongoing commitment to information security and quality management, UK Engage is pleased to announce that we have passed our annual audit for ISO 27001:2013 and ISO 9001, with zero non-conformities. ISO 27001:2013 Information Security Management Standard...
UK Engage Corporate Social Responsibility Update
As a business that is committed to our corporate social responsibility programme, we are constantly considering the broader impact of our company actions. UK Engage ensures that we are acting responsibly in key areas including the environment, wellbeing of employees...
Engagement and Council of Governor Elections
Recent news issued by NHS Providers reports that, following a survey of 300,000 NHS frontline staff, there is evidence which demonstrates clear links between levels of staff engagement and improvements for trusts1. Outcomes included patient satisfaction, patient...