As the UK Engage team unpacked from last week’s TUC Congress, we reflected on not only what a great time we had meeting so many people, but what a roaring success the event was.  The congress was buzzing with a vibrant mix of Union Representatives, Delegates, and senior officials, all bringing their A-game. Throughout the event, we had the pleasure of diving into meaningful conversations on all things democracy, mainly, the upcoming Employment Rights Bill and we even managed to make a few new friends along the way.

A Flurry of Foot Traffic and Thought-Provoking Chats

Stand 71 was a hub of activity, with Union Representatives and Delegates stopping by to chat, connect, and swap stories. The energetic atmosphere made for some fantastic conversations, many of which have blossomed into promising follow-up meetings that we can’t wait to book in the diary. For those unfamiliar with our brand, we were delighted to share that we are an approved supplier on the independent scrutineer list under The Trade Union Ballots and Elections (Independent Scrutineer Qualifications) (Amendment) Order 2017.

Giveaways and Digital Delights

Our popular branded and FREE water bottles, pens, and leaflets flew off the stand faster than you could say “scrutineer.” A crowd favourite as always, our branded water bottles were nothing but a fond memory by the last day! And while our offerings brought people to our stand, it was the deeper conversations about our services that kept them there.

A particular showstopper was our “Guard of Democracy” who kept an eye on proceedings, along with the UKE iPad, which prompted chats on the future possibility of allowing online voting for statutory Union ballots. This little device sparked a flurry of discussions, with attendees eager to explore how digital voting could transform the way unions conduct their democratic processes.

Future-Proofing Democracy: Legislation and Digital Voting

Of course, we weren’t just there to hand out water bottles and charm the crowd—we also had some seriously important conversations. With the upcoming Employment Rights Bill looming large, our discussions with union representatives were as insightful as they were important. We’re glad to have been part of the dialogue around the priorities shaping this key legislation.

Paul Nowak, General Secretary of Trade Union Congress even swung by our stand. Not only did he chat with the team, but he also posed for a pic using our online voting solution—giving us the perfect opportunity to dive deeper into the perks of digital voting for secure, fair elections.

Networking Like Pros: Building for the Future

Our dynamic duo, Fernando and Stu, were busy working the room, facilitating conversations that are already blossoming into exciting follow-up opportunities. The connections made at the congress have opened doors for future collaborations, and we can’t wait to see where they lead.

Wrapping Up: What a Ride!

In a nutshell, TUC Congress 2024 was a smash hit for UK Engage. It gave us the perfect platform to spread the word about our services—especially our role as an approved scrutineer—and to dive into the future of voting and employment rights with the key players. We’re excited to keep the momentum going, nurture the relationships we’ve built, and continue these important conversations long after Brighton fades into the rearview mirror.

A huge thank you to everyone who stopped by Stand 71, engaged in some great discussions with our UK Engage team, and showed interest in what we do. Here’s to the exciting opportunities ahead—and we’ll see you all at the next one!

Stay tuned to UK Engage for more updates, exciting developments, and how we can help your union’s democratic processes go digital!

Check out our photos of the event, including Kier Starmer’s conference speech and Paul Nowak trying out our digital voting solutions using our demonstration iPad.

UK Engage offer fully managed election and AGM services. We are an experienced election services provider, with a dedicated team of election professionals delivering elections and AGMs (AMMs) daily. Both postal and online services can be provided as part of our ISO9001 and ISO27001 certifications. Contact us on 0161 209 4808 to discuss your needs.


Paul Nowak trialling UK Engage's online voting systems Kier Starmer delivering his TUC Congress speech

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