Why is it vital for Foundation Trusts to improve the level of staff engagement in the run up to and during a NHS Governor Election?

Well, the Council of Governors in any NHS Foundation Trust is made up of representatives from the public, staff and partner organisations. Each will bring with them specific skills, knowledge and experience which are crucial to the successful governance of the Trust.  Staff representation is particularly important as employees have a unique insight in to their particular Trust and are well-placed to understand the type of representation that is needed from Governors.

How engaged are employees?

Like any organisation, NHS Trusts will have varying levels of staff engagement.  This can be down to communication efforts or simply how receptive individuals are to messages issued by the Trust. So how can NHS Foundation Trusts engage with more employees in order to encourage them to put themselves forward for Board representation at Governor Elections?

Staff communication and engagement

Today, NHS Trusts are embracing new techniques to engage with staff before a Governor Election.  More and more Trusts are exploring the benefits of other channels such as email, online nominations, social media, bespoke websites and online training sessions to accompany newsletters, posters, onsite branding, direct mailings and other types of printed communication to distribute messages to staff.

By taking a multi-channel approach to communication, Trusts can reach more staff members and educate and inform them about the role and responsibilities of a Governor.  Reaching a larger audience with a consistent message via a number of communication channels can help to improve staff participation and can increase the number of candidate nominations by staff in the run up to a Governor Election. Election services provider, UK Engage has found that this approach can also help to deliver a good selection of staff candidates.

The election process

When it comes to the election process UK Engage has also found that Trusts are looking at conducting multi-channel ballots in order to help increase voter turnout.  Steps are being made to allow Trusts to explore online voting options to sit alongside postal ballots, increasing the options available to voters and improving turnout figures.

Benefits of this approach

There are many benefits to this type of approach.  By considering staff engagement throughout the election process the Council of Governors can expect:

  • Greater awareness of the Governor Election
  • Staff to be more informed as to the role of a Governor within the NHS
  • Increased numbers of staff wishing to stand as candidates for the election
  • A cross-representation of staff candidate nominations
  • Improved voter turnout
  • Informed, enthused and knowledgeable staff Governors

Enhancing Trust and Morale

Engaging staff in the Governor Election process also enhances trust and morale within the Foundation Trust. When staff feel their voices are heard and valued, it fosters a more inclusive and collaborative environment. This not only helps in the smooth running of the election but also contributes to a positive workplace culture where employees feel empowered and respected. Active staff engagement can lead to a more motivated workforce that is committed to the Trust’s goals and values, ultimately improving patient care and service delivery.

Get started With UK Engage

UK Engage is the fastest-growing election services provider of non-statutory elections in the UK.  We work with NHS Foundation Trusts across the country to deliver high-quality Governor Elections. Our suite of election-related associated services adds value to the Election process and complements our core service of Election management.

If you would like to know more about how we can help your organisation, call UK Engage on 0161 209 4808 or email enquiries@uk-engage.org.

Together, we can enhance staff engagement and drive successful Governor Elections in your Trust.

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