Investors in People is an accreditation that is known all over the world. It is granted to organisations that demonstrate a clear commitment to the people who make up an organisation. Only 17% of IIP accredited organisations achieve the gold standard, so the team are proud and excited about our achievement. But what exactly does it mean for you, as a customer of our scrutineer services?
A motivated team
The IIP accreditation provides assurance that we invest in training and development for our staff, to keep them engaged and motivated. Training, appraisals and feedback, clear processes, mentoring, and employee rewards are a few of the ways we keep staff motivated.
From directors and account managers, telephone and administration staff, the IIP online staff survey (conducted as part of the assessment) illustrated high levels of motivation among our staff.
What it means for customers
Our investment in training ensures we pass on our knowledge to you, our customer. We share the latest information and best practice with you, from your initial welcome meeting you will go through the election in detail with our team. Furthermore, during your time with us, we will keep you updated with the latest industry and election solution news via emails, webinars and meetings.
The investment in our team also translates directly into excellent customer service from an enthused, knowledgeable and highly trained staff, for who going the extra mile comes naturally.
A committed team
At UK Engage we have a high retention rate of staff, which means our customers are familiar with members of the team. In the majority of cases, customers have the same account manager looking after their election year after year. A key part of our IIP Gold pass was down to the work we have done on our core values. During the assessment, it was evident that our staff were fully aligned with our values of Commitment, Efficiency, Knowledge, Professionalism and Trust.
What it means for customers
High staff retention rates and an engaged workforce result in a consistent point of contact, strong customer relationships and an expert team which genuinely cares about the work it does.
Benchmarked against the best
The Investors in People assessment framework provides a clear benchmark against the very best performing companies, with in-depth employee interviews and key indicators of high performance combining to not only ‘score’ our performance, but also to drive improvement into the future.
What it means for customers
Being benchmarked offers our election customers reassurance that UK Engage is on a journey of continuous improvement, focussed on aligning our people management with our objectives.
And it doesn’t end with Gold! We will continue to strive for more improvements until we reach Platinum, a standard held by 1% of UK firms.