Celebrating 20 Years of Voting Services

Celebrating 20 Years of Voting Services

UK Engage’s parent company Print Image Network is celebrating 20 years of voting services, printing excellence and being a leader in award-winning electoral stationery and the administration of democratic processes. Print Image Network was started in June 2000 by...
Remote Online Voting for AGMs

Remote Online Voting for AGMs

If you have had to re-think the way you will administer your AGM or EGM in light of the Coronavirus, you have probably considered taking the meeting ‘online’ via conference software, but what about voting for resolutions and candidates?  Leading independent scrutineer...
Online ballots: How do they work?

Online ballots: How do they work?

Online ballots are a great way to save money on paper and postage costs associated with traditional paper voting.  These days the cost benefit alone is attractive to organisations, but add to that the ease, security and real-time statistic benefits, and it’s easy to...
Democracy Dos and Don’ts For Those Involved In a Retail BID

Democracy Dos and Don’ts For Those Involved In a Retail BID

Ballots that determine the go-ahead (or not) of Business Improvement Districts are very important to the economic future of towns across the country.  Therefore, the ballot decision mustn’t be contentious in any way. For a ballot decision to be upheld without...

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