Ballot Blog

Online ballots: How do they work?
Online ballots are a great way to save money on paper and postage costs associated with traditional paper voting. These days the cost benefit alone is attractive to organisations, but add to that the ease, security and real-time statistic benefits, and it’s easy to...

Democracy Dos and Don’ts For Those Involved In a Retail BID
Ballots that determine the go-ahead (or not) of Business Improvement Districts are very important to the economic future of towns across the country. Therefore, the ballot decision mustn't be contentious in any way. For a ballot decision to be upheld without dispute,...

Why Tenant Engagement & a Trusted Scrutineer Are Invaluable to Success.
In 2018, the Mayor of London and GLA introduced new rules which stated that estate regeneration projects that involved the demolition of any social homes and the construction of 150 or more homes (of any tenure) must be supported by residents in a ballot, in order to...

Why use a Ballot Services Provider?
Whatever type of company you are, when it comes to an election or ballot you want a process you can rely on, one that is stress-free, efficient and run according to your election rules. That’s exactly what a ballot services provider is appointed to do. A recognised...

Paper v Potato: Which is better? Paper or compostable magazine wrap?
As people become more aware of the substantial effect plastics have on the environment, organisations that distribute magazines, supplements and inserts in plastic wrap solutions are being challenged by readers, who want to see more sustainable solutions used. The...

The benefits of a paper magazine wrap mailing solution for membership communications
For many years polywrap has been the material of choice for membership organisations looking to post communication packs to members. Lightweight, strong and weather-resistant it is extremely effective for keeping different mail pieces together in one combined pack....

UK Engage excels following Customer Service Excellence review
Ballot services provider achieves ‘Compliance-Plus’ in 13 separate areas of the business. Ballot services provider, UK Engage, has held the Customer Service Excellence Standard since 2012. Each year the business gets assessed to see if it still meets the...

Co-operative election scrutineer, UK Engage, exhibits at Co-operatives UK’s Practitioner Forum.
The North-West based co-operative election services provider exhibits for the third consecutive year. Co-operative election scrutineer, UK Engage, will be attending the Practitioners Forum event on Thursday 22 November at The Studio, Manchester. As the event...