Ballot Blog
Trade Union Ballots – Industrial Action
Background Trade Unions can ballot members to determine if they would be willing to undertake industrial action. The process is governed by legislation under the Trade Union and Labour Relations (Consolidation) Act 1992. There are some differences in how the ballot...
Business Continuity & Risk
Background Many types of organisations run ballots and elections, such as professional bodies, cooperatives, sports clubs, societies, charities, trade associations and labour unions, public companies (PLCs), etc. This will be for a variety of reasons, ranging from...
Planning your Hybrid AGM: What Are The Benefits of a Hybrid AGM
Background The AGM is not only an opportunity for the organisation to showcase itself but is also where key decisions are democratically made. Ensuring you have as much member representation as possible in your general meetings will help the organisation deliver what...
Trade Union Ballots and Elections
Background Trade unions play a critical role in representing the interests of workers and negotiating with employers to ensure fair treatment and compensation. Under the Trade Union and Labour Relations (Consolidation) Act 1992, Trade Unions must appoint an...
Considering Your Articles of Association When Planning your Hybrid AGM
Background Your articles of association form part of your organisation’s governance documents. They detail the processes for running the general meeting and the rules they are covered by. Any hybrid AGM process must be aligned with your articles to mitigate any...
Allowing Remote Attendees To Be Seen And heard In Your Hybrid AGM
Background For a hybrid AGM, it is important for all members joining remotely to have the option, if they so choose, to be seen and heard as if they were at the AGM in person. This means giving them the ability to show their video and hear their audio feeds at the...
Proxy Voting Processes For Hybrid AGM’s
Background Proxy voting is the process of giving the ability to those that cannot make the AGM meeting (in person or virtually) to provide voting instructions to another person (the proxy) who can attend on their behalf. For a hybrid AGM, any voting instructions...
Trade Union Assurers
Background The legislation for Trade Unions requires an ‘Assurer’ to provide a signed membership audit certificate (MAC) of the membership for each reporting period (typically each year) if the union has over 10,000 members. The appointment or discontinuance of an...