UK Water Industry Research
Hand-Held Voting Devices for UKWIR's Advisory Group MeetingVoting services were supplied to canvass membership opinion on projects for the upcoming annual research programme.

UKWIR was set up by the UK water industry in 1993 to provide a framework for the procurement of a common research programme for UK water operators on ‘one voice’ issues. It’s members comprise 19 water and sewerage undertakers in England, Wales, Scotland, Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland.
Democratic Project:
UK Engage was appointed to help collate opinion from UKWIR’s members at its Advisory Group Meeting; members were asked to vote on the merits of research projects for possible implementation. To encourage participation and make it easy for members to vote, UKWIR appointed UK Engage to provide hand-held voting devices, which are quick and easy to use and can provide a quick representation of voting outcomes.
On the day, UK Engage provided the hand-held voting devices which involved a technical set-up by the voting technician before the members arrived. Upon arrival, members were assigned a hand-held voting device at registration. As part of the Advisory Group Meeting proceedings, members were asked to vote on each research project following presentation from their industry experts.
UK Engage was chosen to provide hand-held voting solutions based on the level of professionalism demonstrated and its past experience. All of the votes from the hand-held voting devices were recorded and results were communicated to the audience, on the main conference screen, within 10 seconds. UK Engage then gave a full breakdown of votes following the meeting.
No of Member Companies Voted
Client Testimonial
“The Advisory Group Meeting went really well and the hand-held voting went extremely smoothly. There were no pauses or waiting around for the results which gave members confidence in the voting technology. The on-screen results were displayed quickly and accurately, which meant that members could engage with their voting decisions.”