Stockport Metropolitan Borough Council
BID BallotUK Engage provides ballot services for neighbouring council

Democratic Project:
Representatives from local businesses attended a meeting in Stockport to explore the potential for a Business Improvement District. The meeting was hosted by Vision Stockport, a community interest company set up to help create a more vibrant town centre, and appointed by Stockport Metropolitan Borough Council. Like many town centres, Stockport has many challenges, namely, competing with out of town retail and business parks, as well as online shopping.
Seeing the benefits that BIDs have delivered, both in the North West and nationwide, Stockport Metropolitan Borough Council launched the BID initiative to generate funds that could be used to improve the offering within the town centre.
The BID saw three local organisations work together on the project – Stockport Metropolitan Council, Vision Stockport, and Independent Scrutineer, UK Engage, which managed the postal ballot and the declaration of the result. Delivery partner, The Means oversaw the management of the BID, with the support of the others.
Being a local supplier UK Engage was involved in the BID from the very beginning and worked side by side with the council to prepare the BID information and ballot packs, which went to 504 hereditaments across Stockport.
UK Engage printed and mailed the notice of ballot letter, which included a 4- page colour leaflet about the BID, a black and white ballot pack, which also included BID information, plus a reply-paid envelope. A full reporting system was available to the council with UK Engage providing an on-demand result service to inform the team which hereditaments had voted (but not how they had voted). The count was also undertaken by UK Engage and announced to the Chief Executive within 12 hours of the close of ballot.