Manchester Council

UK Engage Administers Consultation for Northwards Homes

The Council used Northwards (ALMO) to manage all its council housing and undertook an independent review to determine if it wanted to continue using an ALMO or bring the management of properties within the council.

The Project/Challenge

Ballot packs were sent to 12,981 tenants and leaseholders to allow their opinion to be considered before any final decision was made. The Council wanted to give tenants the opportunity to send back their opinion via post or have their say online.

The ‘Test of Opinion’ needed to be undertaken in conjunction with 3 local events where tenants had the ability to ask question directly on the subject. The postal pack needed to include supporting information regarding the proposal. The timescale for the opinion submissions would be 1 month.


UK Engage worked with Manchester City Council to prepare the ballot packs, to include a reply paid, pre-addressed reply envelope and a 4-page supporting information document, which were posted to tenants and leaseholders in Northwards homes. The ballot pack included details of how tenants could go online and make their submissions instead.

The client had access to a digital dashboard showing them the turnout figures during the opinion period, with UK Engage providing a result service to inform the team which tenants had voted to allow any follow up activity. The count was also undertaken by UK Engage and the results passed to the Council the next working day after the opinion time period had closed.


There were 7 questions on the ballot paper with options for a Y or N answer with 1,626 responses from Tenants and Leaseholders received. UK Engage checked to ensure there was no double voting with the postal and digital submissions. There were 2 spoilt ballot papers received. There were 552 requests for further information about the proposals. The results were passed to the Council the next working day after the opinion period had closed by our returning officer Craig Poyser. The results of the 7 questions were provided separately for Tenants and Leaseholders.

UK Engage Customer Satisfaction


of respondents would give a recommendation


said they would use our services again


said we were an improvement or the same as other suppliers


overall impression of customer experience


our account managers scored 100% for their project management support

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