UK Trade Association
Trade Association uses Network Post hybrid mail solution to help comply with GDPR
UK Engage provides its hybrid mail for member communications to a UK trade association in order to deliver efficient and cost-effective and compliant member communications.

Our client is a trade association with 10,000 members across the UK.
Democratic Project:
Following the General Data Protection Regulation that came into force on 25 May 2018, our client was looking for a cost-effective way of sending postal communications out to its members who had opted-in to receiving communications by post, as their member communication preference. It looked towards hybrid mail for member communications.
As one of our trade association election services clients, we introduced the association to our hybrid mail solution. We set the membership manager up with Network Post, free of charge, and walked her through the brief steps of how to go about using Network Post hybrid mail for member communications. Once the membership team was set up on the system and all stationery and templates were uploaded to the portal, the team started sending out all types of mailings.
Team members began to send various mailing jobs via Network Post which allowed them to get on with more productive tasks. By using hybrid mail for member communications our client saved money on printed stationery, envelopes and postage, not to mention man hours.
“Our trade association uses the Network Post hybrid mail to keep in contact with our members. We send all types of letters and notices our using the system. From membership fee mailings to a simple A4 eight-page newsletter, the system allows us to send our content out to members in a cost-effective and efficient manner. We have our newsletter template uploaded to the portal and every quarter we send to our members who have requested to receive communications by post, under GDPR.”