East of England Co-operative
East Of England Co-Operative And UK Engage Improve Voter Turnout And Member Engagement
Multi-channel options are explored in order to improve voter turnout

The East of England Co-operative is an independent co-op owned by its members. It elects a quarter of its board annually, voting before and at the AGM.
Democratic Project:
The East of England Co-op wanted to raise the standard of its postal voting system and improve voter turnout. The co-operative also wanted to look at ways to improve member engagement and participation in the election and ways to improve the process for future elections.
Designers at UK Engage worked with the East of England’s communication team to create a new postal pack, which incorporated the co-op’s identity. UK Engage handled the ‘register to vote’ process whereby members could register on the run up to the election, managing a quick turnaround of new printed ballot packs. UK Engage provided a marked register for support staff to use on the day to eliminated duplication of votes and efficiently count the improved voter turnout.
The new pack was well-received with members and the voter turnout was improved on the previous year at 41%. UK Engage also provided analytic services so that the co-operative could build profiles of who was voting, to improve future elections.
Voter Turnout
Client Testimonial
“Voter turnout for eligible votes was an impressive 41% which has now been established as a benchmark for assessing future board elections.”