British Association for Shooting & Conservation (BASC)



Members vote on motions virtually using UK Engage’s live conference voting solution.



British Association for Shooting & Conservation (BASC) has a membership of over 150,000. Each year it holds its Annual General Meeting for pre-registered attendees. Its articles state that only people in attendance can vote at the AGM.

Democratic Project:

In 2021, with COVID-19 continuing to affect the traditional ‘in person’ AGM proceedings, BASC decided to hold its AGM in a virtual manner for a second year. The membership organisation selected UK Engage’s Conference Voting solution, a live voting solution with built-in presentation capabilities. As an existing client of UK Engage, BASC entrusts its annual Council Elections to the scrutineer and therefore, with an existing portfolio of online AGM voting solutions, was the obvious choice for the virtual AGM.


The Conference Voting solution has an email functionality incorporated into the system that allows registered attendees to receive voting credentials for the virtual AGM, direct from the system. Furthermore, its presentation functionality was perfect for the client, who wanted a more visual approach to the proceedings. The team at BASC opted to run the AGM independently and opted for the self-managed service. With this option, the team required training from UK Engage, which was delivered to three key stakeholders by UK Engage’s technical production manager. The team was easily able to build its AGM presentation, including motions on which to vote, which is a standard feature of the system.


BASC had seven topics on which members were asked to vote. Using the Conference Voting solution the AGM voting flowed from resolution to resolution with explanatory notes and instructions included on the screen for attendees to follow. Voting proved to be a smooth process with instant results displayed for all the members to see.

Client Testimonial

“UK Engage’s live voting technology was recommended by our colleagues who have worked with UK Engage for a number of years to administer BASC’s Council Elections. The team did not let us down for our AGM voting either. We were guided through the Conference Voting solution so that we could use it ourselves on the day of the AGM. It was easy to use for the administrators and voting members. An all-round exceptional solution for live meeting voting.

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