The Chartered Institute of Public Relations
E-voting and SMS reminders help to increase voter turnout by 90% on the previous year’s election

The Chartered Institute of Public Relations offers membership to PR practitioners at all levels in their careers and across all sectors. There are six grades of membership: Fellowship, Member, Associate, Affiliate, Global Affiliate and Student. The Chartered body is led by a President, who chairs the Institute. Members elect a President and member Council Board representatives every year.
Democratic Project:
The Chartered Institute of Public Relations had one main objective when it introduced a new governance structure; to increase voter turnout on the previous year’s results. UK Engage works with many professional associations like the Institute and so understood the challenges it was likely to face in relation to member engagement and voter turnout. The CIPR has a geographically-broad membership including members from England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland.
In order to reach optimum number of members UK Engage explored an innovative, cost-effective solution. The CIPR wanted to continue to use e-voting in its election process and was interested in the modern platform that UK Engage had to offer. In order to let all members have the chance to vote in the elections UK Engage delivered a multi-channel ballot approach comprising e-voting, SMS text voting and traditional paper voting, to help increase voter turnout.
The CIPR’s objective to increase voter turnout using a combination of engaging postal and e-voting ballots, plus SMS and email ‘remember to vote’ reminders to members, was achieved. There was an increase in voter turnout by 90% on the previous year.
Increase in Voter Turnout
Client Testimonial
“Achieving a 90% increase in voter turnout was unprecedented for the CIPR, we were delighted with the results. The use of electronic channels such as e-voting, email and SMS reminders, clearly helped with member engagement and participation. A rationalised ballot pack, used in conjunction with the e-voting solution, helped to keep the election costs down.”