The Exeter is a UK-based friendly society offering a range of insurance products including Income Protection Insurance, Health Insurance, Cashplans and Life Insurance. It is one of the United Kingdom’s largest friendly societies with over 100,000 members and more than 170 employees. Policy holders automatically become members, which represents a commitment from The Exeter’s board that every decision it makes will always be in their best interests.
Democratic Project:
Having worked with UK Engage the previous year, The Exeter was aware of the scrutineer’s exemplary service levels. It, therefore, instructed the team to administer its 2021 hybrid Annual General Meeting. Members were asked to vote on 13 resolutions, which included the re-election of 10 directors. UK Engage was happy to help The Exeter finalise plans for the new arrangements, which included the requirement for the friendly society to ‘go live’ to its members, via UK Engage’s broadcast meeting solution.
UK Engage provided several solutions to fulfil The Exeter’s AGM requirements, which was to provide a hybrid meeting to all eligible members, giving them the opportunity to vote and attend the AGM. Online and postal proxy voting was available to members before the AGM. Members who wanted to attend and vote in person could do so virtually or physically (although for safety reasons members were advised to attend virtually). To make the AGM even more accessible to all members, The Exeter used UK Engage’s broadcast meeting technology to live stream the meeting. By using this technology, the AGM was available to all members, wherever they were.
The Exeter is an innovative friendly society that embraces technology and wants the best experience for its members. Proxy voting via post and online, virtual and in-person voting during the meeting, plus a broadcast meeting solution, demonstrated The Exeter’s commitment to continued inclusivity of its members in its AGM proceedings. To this end, The Exeter was extremely happy with the range of voting and meeting solutions.
Client Testimonial
“The service from UK Engage was exceptionally good, excellent communication and response are what every company wants. UK Engage did a marvellous job guiding us through our first hybrid AGM, especially the broadcast meeting solution. The whole process was simple and straightforward.“
Company Secretary