A Leading UK Energy Provider
UK Engage Is Appointed To Oversee A Leading UK Energy Provider's Electricity Supply Pension Scheme Election
Returning Officer services were provided to support the pre-election awareness and voting stages of the client’s pension scheme election.

Our client is a leading energy company with operations spanning electricity generation and the sale of gas and electricity to homes and businesses throughout the United Kingdom.
Democratic Project:
UK Engage administered both the nomination phase and voting stage of our client’s pension scheme election. The trustee board is made up of ten trustees, six of which are elected. Nominees were encouraged to come forward for three categories.
As Returning Officer, UK Engage assisted our client in raising awareness of the election and developed a multi-channel voting solution, so that scheme members could select their preferred method of response. This included professionally-designed election materials including an information mailing, candidate statements and ballot packs for the pension scheme elections. The internet voting site was bespoke to our client and was developed to incorporate the first past the post method of voting.
The voter turnout for the pension scheme election was 27%. In this particular election the postal return mechanism was more popular than the internet voting, equating to 82% of the overall turnout. Each of the three categories were contested.
Voter Turnout
UK Engage Comment
“This was our first time working with the client and we built a good relationship; we understood what was needed from both sides to make the election a success. To accommodate the client’s needs, we produced both printed and online mechanisms for both nomination and voting stages of the election, which proved successful for the client.”