Ballot Blog

Engagement and Council of Governor Elections

Recent news issued by NHS Providers reports that, following a survey of 300,000 NHS frontline staff, there is evidence which demonstrates clear links between levels of staff engagement and improvements for trusts1. Outcomes included patient satisfaction, patient...

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UK Engage gains CSE Compliance Plus

We are pleased to announce that having retained our Customer Service Excellence standard in June 2015, following a rigorous three-year re-assessment process, we have been granted an additional award for further improvements to our customer service. During a recent...

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How to attract new candidates for Board member positions

The demanding role of board, council or committee member requires members with the right values, skills, attitude and commitment to put themselves forward. Getting elected to a voluntary leadership role such as this, often requires these attributes in abundance. Lack...

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Presenting Candidates for Board Elections.

In any election, whether its statutory or non-statutory, candidates who put themselves forward for a position of responsibility must connect with the voters and be representative of their needs.  UK Engage works with candidates from numerous sectors and has...

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NHS Seminar Proves A Hit With Delegates.

Model rules, e-voting and engagement sessions get delegates’ votes! The introduction of the New Model rules in 2014 gave NHS Foundation Trusts the opportunity to incorporate e-voting in to their Council of Governor Elections. In response to this UK Engage, the UK’s...

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NHS Jargon-Busting: What Do Those Acronyms Actually Mean?

Do you know what the difference is between a CoG and a CCG, or understand the distinction between an AGM and an AMM?  Within the NHS acronyms are widely used for the services it provides and the functions it fulfils. For anyone new to the service the plethora of...

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UK Engage is Recognised as an Investor in People.

Electoral services provider maintains the leading accreditation UK Engage, the fastest-growing provider of non-statutory electoral services to public sector organisations, has maintained its Investors in People status for a further three years, demonstrating its...

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