Ballot Blog

ISO certification and the provision of election services
UK Engage looks at how clients can benefit from appointing ISO-certified suppliers, in the provision of election services. The provision of election services is inherent to the democracy of organisations across the UK. Membership organisations in all their forms,...

Examining how voter turnout dashboards can help understand voter behaviour
We take a look at how built-in voter turnout dashboards are useful when developing election engagement strategies. If you are holding an election, ballot or poll then democracy is clearly important to your organisation. Having gone to the effort preparing for...

Independent Scrutineer for Trade Union Ballots
What attributes are needed to be an independent scrutineer for trade union ballots? Following its visit to the 150th TUC Congress, UK Engage looks at some of the attributes required in order to be an independent scrutineer for trade union ballots. Unions are...

UK Engage exhibits at the TUC Congress 2018
UK Engage to attend Congress for the first time since becoming approved to administer trade union elections and ballots. UK Engage will be among the exhibitors and delegates to attend the TUC Congress 2018 in its 150th year in Manchester from 9-12th September...

The benefits of electronic voting reporting and understanding your electorate’s behaviour.
Election services provider UK Engage examines its electronic voting system in relation to how its reporting functionality can identify areas for improved engagement for NHS Trusts. Inclusion, diversity and equality are strived for by many organisations,...

AGM Voting: Tips to encourage participation
AGMs are one of the most important dates in an organisation’s calendar. Our latest blog looks at how to make the AGM voting process run smoothly and ensure members are engaged.

Internet voting: Assessing accessibility in elections in the UK
Andy Tye, General Manager for UK Engage, discusses current voting processes and how internet voting could help make elections more accessible for people with disabilities.

E-democracy: The transition from paper voting to internet voting
Paper voting inherently means that the voter has either been handed a ballot (voting in person) or has been sent a paper ballot pack in the post. UK Engage's General Manager, Any Tye, takes a look at the process involved in these methods and explores how it can be...